Introduction & History of C++

Introduction  & History of  C++
C++   is  an  object  oriented  programming   language  . Object   oriented programming  uses   different     languages   than    old   procedural programming languages . C++  helps  the programmer  to  develop  very  large and   complex     applications . It  reduces many problems  of  procedural languages like debugging , maintenance and complexity of code etc. Object oriented programming has various features likes inheritance , classes, data hiding, abstraction, operator overloading, polymorphism etc. which helps to produce  better quality of software.
C++ programming language is an extension   of  C++  language  .  C++    was   developed   by  Bjarnestroustrup  in the early 1980s at Bell Laboratories  . C++ has all the capabilities of c as well  as  its  own  features  that  are  based   on  object   oriented   programming  . The   idea   of   creating  a    new  language   originated   from  stroustrup   ' s  experience   in   programming    for his ph. D thesis. He  wanted  to combine  the     features   of   SIMULA  67   and   c  language  into   a    more   powerful  language. Stroustrup   began work on    new language called "c with classes" in 1979. Various ideas of this language were taken from SIMULA 67 and  ALGOL 68. C++ is a superset of c.

Features of C++  language 
1. C++ is a universal language ,it is used to develop large and complex applications due to its following characteristics:

2. C++ is a general purpose language that is efficient and portable as c.

3. It is designed to be as compatible with c as possible.

4. C++ provides facility of data abstraction and encapsulation that hide the internal detail of the module from outsider.

5. C++ is machine independent language.

6. Input and output operations in  C++ are very east to learn by beginners.

7. Operator overloading is one of the important features supported by C++.

8. C++ huge function library which help to create large an complex programs.

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